Thursday, March 29, 2007

Day 40 Misuses of the Body

No longer idolize your body. Human ruin comes from placing ourselves at the center of our universe, in place of God.
DW p.118

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Day 39 Releasing the Body to God

We must actually release our body to God. This needs to be a definite action, renewed as appropriate, perhaps on a yearly basis. But you will not drift into this position before God, and you will not drift into this position before, and you will not stay there without decisive action.
DW p. 116

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Day 38 Retraining the Body

The proper retraining and nurturing of the body is essential in Christlikeness. When our heart (will, spirit) comes to new life in God, the old "programs" still run, primarily in our body
DW p. 113

Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 37 The Body's role in Spiritual Formation

Who we really are is communicated by our manner--what our body is ready to do at any minute...Our body speaks volumes about us.
JJ p111

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day 36 How Disciplines Help

The person who intends to will what God wills begins with what God has said He wills.

Disciplines make room for the Word and the Spirit to workin in us. They permit destructive feelings (veiled by standard excuses and accepted practices) to be perceived and dealt with as our will rather than God's will.

DW p.107

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Day 35 The Vivid and Eternal Drama of God

DW p. 104

...Your life will never ever be boring because you'll understand that interacting with God creates a daily divine drama that makes the average life in our culture look boring.
JJ p.105

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day 34 The Splintered Will

The constant character of the will apart from God is duplicity--or more accurately, fragmentation and multiplicity. It wills many things and these cannot be reconciled with each other.
DW p. 102

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day 33 Changing the Character

The human mind and will must be transformed through interaction with thoughts and feelings deriving from the Word and the Spirit.
DW p.99

Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 32 Next Steps toward love, joy, and peace

Love, joy, and peace fostered in divine fellowship crowd out fear, anger, unsatisfied desire, woundedness and rejection.
DW p. 96

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 31 A person of Joy and Peace

Yet once we move below the surface, we see that peace and joy are based on confidence in God. In this confidence I can abandon myself to God, even die to self.
JJ p. 94

Day 30 Feelings of the Spiritually transformed person

Faith sees the reality of the unseen, and it includes a readiness to act as if the anticipated good were already in hand because of the reality of God.
DW p.90

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day 29 The Power of the Mood

The proper course of action is to replace destructive feelings with others that are good or to subordinate them- anger and sexual desire for example-in a way that makes them constructive. We do no first try to root out these destructive feelings but they are eliminated as we make the first move: going toward love, joy and peace, based on faith and hope in God.
DW p88

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day 28: Hidden Dynamics of Feelings

Feelings can creep into other areas of our lives, changing the overall tone. They may take over our entire being and so determine the outcome of our lives as a whole.
DW. 86

Monday, March 12, 2007

Group 3 Recap

Hey Guys,

We had our biggest turn out yet this past Friday morning for Renovate. One consistent piece of feedback from the folks in the live group as well as those of you working through it on line is that there is too much material to do a chapter a day. DW and JJ have packed not just the chapters but sentences so full that it takes a good amount of effort to take it all in. That said, we talked about slowing the pace down but felt it more beneficial to have the goal and accountability of a chapter a day to keep us moving ahead.
Don't forget we are doing a chapter a day Monday-Friday. So if you need some extra time to dig in a little deeper use those weekends.


Day 27 Mastered by Feelings

Feelings live in the front row of our lives like unruly children clamoring for attention
DW p 83

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Day 26 God's thoughts in You

The obvious thing we can do is draw certain key portions of Scripture into our mind make them a part of our permanent fixtures of thought
DW p.80

Day 25 Crucial Role of Good Thinking

To think of God as he is, one cannot but lapse into worship and worship is the single most powerful force in completing and sustaining restoration in the whole person.
DW p. 78

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Day 24: Information and the ability to think

Spiritual formation requires thinking.
We must seek the Lord by devoting our powers of thinking to understanding the facts and information of the gospel.
DW p.74-75

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Day 23 Images: Ideas Pictured

This chapter was so chock full-o-stuff I had to put quotes.

Ideas and Images are th primary focus of Satan's efforts to defeat God's purposes with and for humankind.
The single most important thing in our mind is our idea of God and the images associated with it.

DW p. 71

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Day 22 Ideas: From dark to light

One task of spiritual formation is to have our ideas transformed. By the Spirit, we replace in ourselves those idea systems of evil with the idea system that Jesus Christ embodied and taught.
DW p.68

Monday, March 05, 2007

Day 21 Our First Freedom

When we constantly and thoughtfully engage ourselves with the ideas, images and information that are provided by God through the scriptures, hi son Jesus, and the lives and experiences of his people throughout the ages, we are nourished by the Holy Spirit in ways far beyond our own efforts or understanding.

DW p.66

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Day 20 VIM: Means

If I intend to obey Jesus Christ, I must find the means of changing my inner being until it is substantially like his, pervasively characterized by his thoughts, feelings, habits and relationship with the Father.

DW p60

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day 19 VIM: Intention

Now that I see who I really am-lazy, moody, or pretentious what I am to do next? What is the way forward?

JJ p61