Day 35 The Vivid and Eternal Drama of God
Surrender----->abandonment------>contentment----->participationDW p. 104
...Your life will never ever be boring because you'll understand that interacting with God creates a daily divine drama that makes the average life in our culture look boring.JJ p.105
It was easy for me to SURRENDER my will to God but not all the time am I willing to will it.
ABANDONMENT is one that is very hard for me I sometimes feel like I abandon God the way I abandoned my life in the past.
Where CONTENTMENT comes into my life today is when I open my heart to my savior Jesus and I allow him in to help me keep a open mind.
I love PARTICIPATION I get most of my fulfillment in running my men's group,being part of Camp Crossroads,Putting together the retreat with a bunch of great guy's and also learning to live life according to God.
Like its says in the original post my life will never be boring if I keep God and friends close by.
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